
Report for Latvijas Pasts Parcel lockers

This report checks that all Latvijas Pasts parcel lockers listed on company's website are found on the map.
Note that parcel locker websites can and do have errors: mainly incorrect position, but sometimes lockers are missing too.


Matching Latvijas Pasts parcel lockers

This lists the results of matching Latvijas Pasts parcel lockers (data items) and OSM elements to each other.

Matching Latvijas Pasts parcel pickup points

This lists the results of matching Latvijas Pasts parcel pickup points (data items) and OSM elements to each other.

Parcel locker tagging issues

These OSM elements and/or data items have additional individual (known) issues.

Pickup point tagging issues

These OSM elements and/or data items have additional individual (known) issues.

Source data

Provided as is; mistakes possible.